sábado, 23 de agosto de 2008


The premier was some months ago in the Cinemas Lux of Madrid and it has been selected in 7 festivals, already you can enjoy the belic drama DUNDER-BÜCHSE on line. Here you have the last film of Isaac Berrokal where I play Alberto, a boy of 20 years old who is at the ends of the civil war in 1939 , separating him of his family and leaving him so alone with his father, the one who protects him and guide in full battle. But the horror finds him when they see hovered by a soldier of the contrary edict in a village destructed by the bombs war.

- For more funny videos, click here

TO MY GRANDMOTHER. Carmina Garnero

sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008

Paris ... see you later.

The account backwards has begun. Three days. Three days to return to Madrid and continue with the essays of the work that prepare with the Cuban Company Mask Laroye and in the production of the next tape of the cortometrajista Isaac Berrokal.

I have been of holidays and I have worked. Two in one. I leave me after doing several contacts, two castings, and an open door to realize a third to principes of September for a project for January 2009. And do not leave to say it: Paris is full of random.

The only that I can say you is that you avenge. It is a diferent city each time that I come. A city to discover, for taste and smell. And perhaps go back by work. It could be a good occasion to learn the language.

To finish I only want to agradecer to Fabrice Pierrot, Thierry Guerrier, Sophie Nicollas, Victor García León, Panchika Velez, Celine Walks and to Natahlie Cheron ... they have shared with me during these days, dinners, walks, discussions, laughs, night, meetings etc ... And for his good wellcome.

I will Go back, this is clear, to collect the fruits of the semillita that have left. Already see us in Madrid. And do not worry ... ... I carry bollos for all!!!!!!


New première image for the blog. Expect that it like you, so much as to me. The banner has been realized by Isaac Berrokal. Graces mate.
Also you will find a new section in the blog, in the right part, called DAY'S IMAGE , where there will hang the images that more like me of my personal life

viernes, 1 de agosto de 2008


The short Zoe brings us news. The premiere will be in September in Santander, at Cinema Los Angeles. In Madrid also there will be premiere but still it hasn't made a concrete date. The young director Sergio Vaquero is preparing the web page of the tape and he advances us the poster.
Everyone has a secret ... good sentence. It is true! Shameful things that we did , they hurt our concience, and it's heavy live with these. Things that we hide, it gives us shame because pursued us.... and guilt, his great friend blessed us grabs your hand for a walk. Secret and truth aren't get along very well. Could be it remembers you sounds something?